Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Decision Making Skills for Psychology-

Question: Discuss about theDecision Making Skills for Developmental Psychology. Answer: Introduction In the modern day business firms, leaders need to become more sensitive towards the environment they are facing (Baron and Brown 2012). This calls for the need of leaders taking decisions at much faster rate. They must take decisions as per the requirement of the situation. A leader must adopt different approaches in different situations for making the decisions. Todays ways of doing business calls for people working as a team. There are several things that make a team effective. There are stages through which a group gets evolved as a team. It depends on various situations whether decisions must be made based on the emotions or not. Some has the positive impact and some has the negative impact on the decision making. This report highlights the group closures that a leader can adopt to make decisions. It also provides the ways in which a group can be converted into a team. It also discuss about the ways in which emotions influences decision making. Three group closures that leaders can adopt There are many approaches that a leader can choose to make decisions. It is based on the style of leadership which group closures they choose for taking decisions. Three group closures that leaders can adopt are Consultative, Collaborative and Consensus. Consultative approach: In this approach of decision making, a leader inside the group always takes the consultation from the group member before reaching to final decisions. This form of decision making always enhances the image of the leader. This is often confused with collaborative but in this decision making leaders asks the views of the group members and then takes decisions accordingly (Kaner 2014). For example If there is any change going on inside the organisation there is always a chance that employee resist to it so it is better that a consultative approach to decision making must be used. This helps in understanding the problems employees may face while the changes are done and hence a better decision could be made (Khazan 2016). Collaborative approach: In this type of decision making process all the members of the group works out collaboratively for making any decision. Group member talks with each other and reach to any decision. In a collaborative approach there is always a chance that people will agree with the decisions as a more unanimous decisions are made (Elwyn, et al. 2012, 1361-1367 ). In this approach since more minds are involved in the decision making process hence there is always a chance that decision will be more appropriate and does not affect any group member. For example If the leader has to make the strategies for any function within the organisation then this approach will make sure that a more effective decision has been made. Consensus approach: This is a group closure that helps in achieving higher employee satisfaction while any decision has been made. In the modern day business this can help in improving the performance of the company as well as productivity of the employee. It can be understood by the fact that the decisions that are made through Consensus divide the responsibility of the success or failure of the decision. It also ensures that not even a single group member disagrees with decisions (Crean 2012, 175-188). For example: If any decision is made inside the firm that creates conflicts then this type of approach will help in coming with a solution. This helps in making a group more as a team. Ways in which group evolve as a team There are various ways in which a group gets developed as a team. There are various stages through which a group gets to developed as a team (Hartman et al. 2014). A group is a collection of members with no common approach while a team is more collaborative workforce. Four ways in which a group can be converted into a team are: Making common objective: For converting a group into a team the most important thing that needs to be done is to make goals and objectives of the team (Oshima, Emily and Emanuel 2013, 6-8). This helps the team in moving forward in a particular direction and helps to reduce the confusion in the work process. It also helps in completing the task in a better way as more detailed description will be available about the ways in which decisions are made. For example I have seen that a political party which is just a group of members. But they make common objectives for them and work as team in order to win election. Assigning the roles: It is one of the most important aspects for a group where every member of the group knows about its role (Snyder, Herald and Diesing 2015). This helps in achieving the task in a better way. This is one of the best way in which a members understands their responsibility as a unit and does their work accordingly. For example in start-ups group of people distributes responsibilities for making business a success. Sense of understanding: This is another way in which a group can evolve as a team since a sense of understanding acts between the members. This helps in reducing the conflict which is essential for making a team more effective (Byrnes 2013). For example when the team of a football game makes. The group of people gets converted into a team since there is sense of understanding gets developed in them. Sense of urgency: In this way of team formation a group gets converted into a team when there is any urgency. This is a faster process of making a team (Pettigrew 2014). Most of the decisions within the group are taken by mutual consent and quick decision making approach is followed. For example in the case of disaster when a group of people tarts working together for achieving certain task. These teams are often called as disaster management team. Positive and negative impact of emotions on the decision making Many a time it is seen that made decisions has emotional aspect. Many decisions are based on the emotions of the group or the leaders (Lunenburg 2011, 1-9). Such decisions have both negative and positive impact. If the decisions are made thinking the corporate social responsibilities and ethics of the company then emotions have good place in decision making. Since these kinds of decisions needs the made based on what leader for anything. On the other hand if the decisions are made related to the strategic affairs of the company then the emotions generally plays a negative role in it (Del et al. 2012, 331-351). This is due to the reason that such decisions are not made based on the research rather they are made according to the beliefs which can lead to long term loses to the company. Example of negative impact In the case of Kodak we saw that the decision about not changing the operational methodology of the firm was more driven by emotions. This resulted as a heavy loss to the company. Example of positive impact In the case of advertisements the decision making is based on the emotions associated with the company. Emotions play a highly positive role in the decision making of the firm and help them in making a better advertisement. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that having an effective decision making can help the company in solving all their problems. Consultative, consensus based and collaborative are the three group closures that can used by the leaders for making decisions. There are many ways in which groups gets evolved as a team. The decision making is highly influenced by the emotions. It has both positive and negative impact on the decision making process. References Baron, Jonathan, and Rex V. Brown, eds.Teaching decision making to adolescents. Routledge, 2012. Byrnes, James P.The nature and development of decision-making: A self-regulation model. Psychology Press, 2013. Crean, Hugh F. "Youth activity involvement, neighborhood adult support, individual decision making skills, and early adolescent delinquent behaviors: Testing a conceptual model."Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology33, no. 4 (2012): 175-188. Del Missier, Fabio, Timo Mntyl, and Wndi Bruine Bruin. "Decision?making competence, executive functioning, and general cognitive abilities."Journal of Behavioral Decision Making25, no. 4 (2012): 331-351. Elwyn, Glyn, Dominick Frosch, Richard Thomson, Natalie Joseph-Williams, Amy Lloyd, Paul Kinnersley, Emma Cording et al. 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Snyder, Glenn Herald, and Paul Diesing.Conflict among nations: Bargaining, decision making, and system structure in international crises. Princeton University Press, 2015.

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